Guess the Word
- Group Members: Kamia Bryan & Amina Muhamed
- Description: Our project is a guess the word game.
- Purpose: Our goal is for players to assess their guessing skills while having fun.
- Audience: This game is intended for everyone regardless of reading or writing level.
- Inspiration: Our inspiration came from reading. We love to expand our knowledge via books, so we created a program that involved words.
- Tech Stack: We coded our program in C#.
- Challenges: 1 technical challenge was coding the random word generator. We have both coded random generators for numbers so it was a bit different this time. After consulting each other and a couple of our classmates, we were able to complete our program effectively.
- Future Plans: 1 thing we would improve upon is the number of possible words. We will continue to add words to our library, therefore giving the player a more diverse playing experience.
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